Entosiphon sulcatum, is, in contrast to Rhabdomonas, a phagotrophic euglenid flagellate. Focus plane on the siphon, a tube which is built out of several rods. The siphon can be protruded and serves for food intake. |
Entosiphon sulcatum, focus plane on the protruded siphon. |
Entosiphon sulcatum, focus plane on the striated pellicula with 12 stripes. |
Entosiphon sulcatum, this specimen clearly shows the phagotrophic behavior of Entosiphon: the purple color comes from digested thiobacteria (Chromatium okenii); The long arrowhead points to a free-swimming Chromatium-specimen. (2) |
Entosiphon sulcatum, focus plane on the two flagella. |
Location: Simmelried /Bodensee (1); nature reserve NSG Schwalm/Nettetal (2) |
Habitat: between algae (1); Sphagnum (2) |
Date:9.11.2009 (1) / 28.12.2011 (2) |